Massachusetts School of Law at Andover’s faculty, who average over twenty years as practicing attorneys, teach the overwhelming majority of MSLAW’s required courses as well as numerous seminars in which students closely interact with faculty. MSLAW’s adjunct professors are exceptionally talented and experienced judges and attorneys, who teach the subjects they are experts in.

MSLAW’s Writing Faculty are practicing attorneys with significant writing experience who are dedicated to teaching students the best legal research and writing skills.


Michael L. Coyne – Dean

Paula Kaldis – Assistant Dean

Diane Sullivan – Assistant Dean

Paula Colby-Clements

Anthony Copani

Joseph Devlin

Amy Dimitriadis

Anne Hemingway

James Hetu

Peter Malaguti

Kurt Olson

Gus Panagakis

Shane Rodriguez

Lawrence Velvel – Dean Emeritus

Emeritus Professors

Thomas H. Martin

Constance Rudnick

Adjunct Professors

Judge Peter Agnes

Robert D. Armano

Stacey Barnett

Alba Doto

Jeanne E. Condurelli

Christopher N. Cook

Carmen Corsaro

Linda Cristello

James DiGuilio

Michael Dulany

Ann O’Connor Downes

Neil Faigel

Kevin P. Foley

Robert Ford

Brittany Forgues

Maria Fournier

Michelle Griffin

Daniel Harayda

Christine Hudson

Steven F. Hyde

Harold E. Johnson

Michael Leamy

Carol Levasseur

John Morris

Judge Eric Neyman

James Panas

Lyn A. Parker

Stephen R. Smith

John Surabian