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Updates from the Department of Education 2025

Tuition, Fees, Cost of Textbooks and Cost of Living Expenses
MSLAW requires students to complete 90 credits in order to graduate and receive their Juris Doctorate degree.  Credits are charged at a rate of $865.00 per credit.  The total cost of tuition is $77,850.00 plus a one-time building fee of $750.00.  Students will need to purchase course books and supplies with the cost of books depending on the courses taken but a student should expect to spend approximately $800 each semester for books.  Living expenses likewise vary depending on where, and with whom, the student is living.  These costs can vary widely but for student loan purposes, MSLAW estimates these costs to be $12,000 each semester. For additional textbook information, visit

Tuition Per Semester (2024-2025)
Part-time (12 credits) $10,380.00
Full-time (15 credits) $12,975.00        
Annual Tuition (2024-2025)
Part time (24 credits) $20,760.00
Full-time (30 credits) $25,950.00

Student Loan Debt
For students graduating during the 2023-2024 academic year, the average student loan debt was $94,871.64.  Seventy (70%) of all students obtain some sort of Student Loans to assist them with completing their studies.

Graduation and Completion Rates

Start to Grad ClassGraduatesTotal (All Students)% All

Employment Rates Upon Graduation
The Massachusetts School of Law at Andover (“MSLAW”) has a diverse student population. Given that 50-60% of our students attend the part-time evening program, at least ½ of our student body is employed in full-time jobs while in law school. Many of those students enjoy career advancement within their current jobs as a result of earning their Juris Doctor degree. In 2023, 63% of graduates were employed upon graduation; In 2022, 73% of graduates were employed upon graduation.

Occupations for Which Your Field of Study Prepares You
MSLAW instructs students in legal theory and teaches students the professional skills they will need to properly serve their communities. Too often law schools have failed to recognize that law school graduates must acquire the professional skills new lawyers need in order to assist their clients with the difficult challenges they face. At MSLAW, you will learn how to:

  • Analyze problems and courses of action, whether in business settings, legal settings, or elsewhere.
  • Use relevant social, political, economic, and other “non-legal” facts and doctrines relevant to presenting or solving legal questions.
  • Speak articulately: in courtrooms, in meetings, at hearings, and to opponents.
  • Interview and counsel clients.
  • Be sensitive to the needs, desires, and financial abilities of clients.
  • Discover facts relevant to client’s cases or problems.
  • Draft contracts, wills, and trusts.
  • Analyze business and personal problems from a legal standpoint.
  • Plan legal courses of action for individuals, families, and businesses.
  • Take depositions.
  • Try cases, including examining and cross-examining witnesses, introducing evidence and arguing to jurors.
  • Arbitrate and mediate disputes.
  • Draft motions, trial memoranda, and appellate briefs.
  • Recognize and respond appropriately to the ethical and moral problems that arise continually in law practice.
  • Behave professionally including acting with appropriate civility, politeness, and promptness.

Bar Pass Rates and Professional Licensure
MSLAW prepares its graduates for the practice of law. For MSLAW graduates who have taken the Bar Examination in Massachusetts since the school’s inception and through the February 2024 administration, the pass rates are as follows:

  • % 1st Time Pass – 60%
  • % 1st & 2nd Time Pass – 72%
  • % 1st – 3rd Time Pass – 78%
  • All Pass – 84%
  • During the last 5 years, 70% of graduates pass within 2 years of graduation.

While many MSL graduates continue to follow the traditional path and practice law in a law firm, governmental agency or with the court system, other graduates use their legal training and education servicing emerging avenues of employment for law school graduates. There are legal employment opportunities across all employment sectors–private, public, and nonprofit—as these sectors highly value legal training. Law related positions are found in every employment sector and virtually every industry and economic endeavor. Lawyers are now employed in corporations, trade associations, professional associations, government officers, advocacy organizations, foundations, colleges, universities, accounting firms, hospitals, museums,  throughout  law enforcement,  and of course law firms. For more information, visit Bar Exam Pass History

Here is a link to an article on 600+ things you can do with a law degree