Student Cost of Living Survey This field is hidden when viewing the formStudent Name: First Last This field is hidden when viewing the formEmail This survey helps determine your living costs at school to secure the highest possible financial aid . PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS AS ACCURATE AS POSSIBLEWill you live? Off Campus With Parents On Campus Do you have dependents who you support more than 50%? Yes No If Yes, average monthly dependent expenses are:TYPICAL MONTHLY EXPENSES ** FOR ALL AMOUNT BELOW REPORT ONLY THE PORTION THAT YOU THE STUDENT PAY ** Mortgage/Rent:Only answer if you will live “Off Campus” or “With Parents”Heating/FuelOnly answer if you will live “Off Campus” or “With Parents”Water/SewerOnly answer if you will live “Off Campus” or “With Parents”InternetPhoneGroceriesIf “On Campus” only provide expenses outside of meal planEating OutTransportation On CampusAverage monthly travel expense from home to campus and campus to work?Transportation Off Campus or With ParentDo you use public transportation? Yes No Type of Public Transport UsedAverage Monthly Public Transport ExpenseNumber of miles ONE WAY to school:Average Number of DAYS Attends School in ONE MONTHPersonal – Record average monthly amount paid by student. DO NOT include car payments or credit card bills.ClothingEntertainmentMedical/DentalSports/Hobbies Δ