Assistant Dean Paula Kaldis
Phone: 978.681.0800 X117
MSLAW Writing Lab Sessions will meet in the Demosthenes Writing Room or in the respective faculty offices.
Although writing classes are small, and students can ask for help from their individual instructors, this might not be enough for some. Students can, therefore, seek the assistance of writing directors and instructors with any writing problems they might have.
Students may receive help in any legal research and writing area from grammar and writing style to organization and types of legal authority, but they may not use the professors as copy editors or proofreaders. The writing sessions may also be used as a way to solicit help with already submitted work as a means of improving or understanding their weaknesses.
Assistant Dean Paula Kaldis, who also advises students on academic probation, is available for students who have finished their first year and are taking, or already have taken, Writing & Legal Advocacy.
All first-year students taking Writing & Legal Reasoning or Writing & Legal Research should reach out to Professor Anne Hemingway.
The professors are available by appointment and/or drop in during the following times:
Writing Lab Schedule
Monday, 4:00 – 6:00PM
Anne Hemingway
Tuesday, 2:30 – 4:30PM
Paula Kaldis
Wednesday, 4:00 – 6:00PM
Anne Hemingway
Thursday, 2:30 – 4:30PM
Paula Kaldis